ATLANTA (Reuters) - A Georgia college student who has already lost a leg to a rare, flesh-eating bacterial infection is now expected to suffer the loss of her fingers too, her father said. Aimee Copeland, 24, was kayaking and zip-lining along the
It sounds like something out of a horror film -- a micro-organism that enters through an open wound and begins to consume your body from the inside out. Unfortunately flesh-eating bacteria, or necrotizing fasciitis, isn't fiction.
Master's Student Continues 'Miraculous' Fight Against Flesh-Eating Bacteria This is flesh-eating bacteria, magnified a lot. And the type of bacteria attacking 24-year-old Aimee Copeland's body, Aeromonas hydrophila, is "remarkably common."
GEORGIA (CNN) - Doctors are fighting to save a Georgia grad student suffering from a virulent flesh-eating bacteria. Her parents are keeping optimistic about her recovery. Edgar Treiguts has the story.
WLOS ABC 13 News :: Top Stories - Flesh Eating Bacteria - A Jackson County teenager says she almost lost her sight after contracting a rare infection from fle.