Monday, October 29, 2012

Democracy at Work (2012) | Movie Reviews ThemesTrack

Title:Democracy at Work (2012)
Runtime:0 min(s)
Release:0000-00-00 (DVD)

2012-11-02 (Theater)

Democracy at Work is a satire that tells the story of a single day of a local political campaign in which an anonymous rumor is leaked on the Internet about their candidate. We follow three distinct perspectives reacting to the allegations: The campaign staff as they try to control the uncontrollable, the local media as they try to leverage the scandal for greater ratings, and an undecided voter who is easily swayed from one side to the other while barely paying attention. It is a commentary on the absurdity of the system. (c) Official Site

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Movie Image, Information and Synopsis are copyright of FLIXSTER & ROTTEN TOMATOES. This content was captured on October 30, 2012. If you like to view latest content from FLIXSTER & ROTTEN TOMATOES: Democracy at Work (2012)


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